“What would happen if we could instantly access all the information we were exposed to throughout our lives?”

—Bill Gates, from the Total Recall book foreword


“I am not sure whether recording everything we see, hear and do is the landfill or landscape of our lives, because thoughts and memories are their own reality. But I am sure that Total Recall is a must read due to its inevitability, seminal nature and clairvoyant authors.”

—Nicholas Negroponte, author of Being Digital


“Gordon Bell is one of the great visionaries in the computer industry. In Total Recall,he and Jim Gemmell paint a picture of a world where computing is far more personal than anything we have seen so far, where digital memory appliances supplement the human mind and store all the details of your life. It is a bold and exciting vision of computing that takes us to a future which is just around the corner, but which would be hard to glimpse without this book.”

—Nathan Myhrvold, co-founder of Intellectual Ventures


“For decades, the tech world has been going gaga for "Moore's Law", which describes how much faster and more powerful personal electronics becomes over time, but in the last decade, most of the really big freakouts havebeen as a result of the explosion in our ability to capture and store data... What happens when being alive means being in record mode, for everybody? It's a change that is at once astonishing and immanent. Gordon and Jim are at the center of this kind of work, and just the guys to write the book.”

—Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody


Total Recall does a marvelous job of exploring first-hand the implications of storing our entire lives digitally. And just in time! -- the technology is already here and will be ubiquitous before we know it.”

—Guy L. Tribble, MD, PhD, Vice President of Software Technology, Apple Inc.


“Economists, along with everyone else, will be astounded by the wide ranging social and personal benefits of Total Recall digital technology.”

—Tyler Cowen, author of Create Your Own Economy


“I’m really looking forward to reading it! I’ve been fascinated by MyLifeBits for years; it’s certainly inspired our thinking at Evernote.”

—Phil Libin, CEO, Evernote


“As you warm to the ideas expressed in Total Recall, you find yourself reaching for your digital camera to record the moment just gone by.”

—Donna Dubinsky, CEO of Numenta, co-founder of Palm and Handspring


“Extraordinarily prescient but also entertaining...Total Recall is of paramount importance in the new, increasingly paperless world.”

—Leslie Berlowitz, Executive Director of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Total Recall offers a prescient view of the powerful use of today’s information tomorrow. Gordon and Jim provide provocative insights, entertaining stories, and fundamental advancements in recall enabled by tools readily available today that immediately enhance the capture, access and sharing of numerous forms of information.”

—Jim Marggraff, Founder, CEO and Chairman of Livescribe, Inc.


“Gordon Bell and Jim Gemmell paint a vivid and personal picture of a revolution that is already in progress, a revolution that will transform our future by making our past transparent. Clear, detailed, and permanent knowledge of ourselves and others will change the fiber of our lives and societies, pervasively, from meal planning to constitutional law. If we are blind to the implications, we'll be trying to solve the wrong problems with obsolete tools. Total Recall will open eyes, and the more, the better.”

—Dr. K. Eric Drexler, author of Engines of Creation


“Most of us accept memory as fragile, transient. We keep postcards, clippings, family photos. We scrapbook, perhaps write a diary. A few write a memoir, but acknowledge that this look back is partial, life through a glass darkly. Gordon Bell and Jim Gemmell have not taken such things for granted, but like others, dream of total recall. This book - human, personal, deeply felt – is a window on why they feel so strongly about it. What are the gaps in the human experience they believe it will address? What motivates, what impassions in the desire to never forget?”

—Sherry Turkle, MIT Professor of Science, Technology, and Society



Canadian Business, October 26, 2009

Intellectual Economy, September 15, 2009

800 CEO Read, September 11, 2009

Publishers Weekly, August 31, 2009

Kirkus Review (subscription required), August 01, 2009



BusinessWeek 9/3

Publishers Weekly 8/31

Wired September issue

CNET News, 9/16

New Hampshire Public Radio, 9/21, 9/28