FORUM > Scanning E-Memories

Vicki "the scanner" here. I've worked with Gordon for ten years now scanning all his stuff. I have a bunch of e-memory stories, but will start with the first question above. What have we scanned? Just about everything one can imagine - books, articles, publications, family albums, school yearbooks, birthday cards to name just a few. We've also scanned things we didn't know we could, like medals, badges, plaques, jewelry, and even t-shirts!

We've used various scanners throughout the years, but our favorites have been the HP digital sender network scanner and our current desktop Fujitsu. The digital sender is probably too expensive to consider for home use, but wow, what a workhorse! "FuFu" the desktop is small and versatile - auto feeder, black/white and color, double sided, and accommodates different paper sizes. About the only thing it lacks is a flatbed!

The one thing we've discovered so far is that no scanner is perfect. FuFu is close, but we haven't worked with a scanner yet that doesn't require constant monitoring. Archival scanning entails lots of different paper sizes and paper weights. Walking away from a scanner to let it do its thing will inevitably leave you with a serious paper jam!

January 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVicki Rozycki